Teaching Learning and Evaluation

As per the government policy, no reservation of seats is there for private self-financed institutes. However, following the policy of government of India regarding reservation in academic institutes, the institute admits many students from reservation category and provide them all kinds of the supports. The institution has developed the mechanism to identify learning level of students, which are categorized based on marks obtained in internal assessments. The advance learners are given additional reading/study assignments and involved in management of academic activities, whereas, the weaknesses of slow learners are identified & dealt through library assignment, remedial/extra classes, one to one meeting with subject teacher, etc. All the teaching posts created as per requirement of the university are filled with qualified faculty maintaining students to faculty ratio around 20:1. The institute also has a provision for appointing visiting faculty from Academia/industry. With the Outcome Based Education philosophy, the academic delivery is student centric; encouraging and motivating the students to actively participate in learning, Problem solving, raising questions and discussions; and, number of workshops are organized for deep learning by involvement and hands on practice. Every course is defined with specific Course Outcomes (COs) which are further mapped with Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs); the attainments are evaluated using direct and indirect assessment tools. Through industrial partners, industry ready programs are also run by the institute. The Institution has fostered use of ICT with campus wide Wi-Fi and multi-media-based learning in class room; and, providing remote access to all its e-Resources.

The Institution has adopted policy of continuous internal evaluation maintaining transparency. There exists a mechanism to deal with examination related grievances at institution & university level through rechecking & revaluation.

Student Enrollment and Profile : Click here for more details

Catering to Student Diversity : Click here for more details

Teaching- Learning Process : Click here for more details

Teacher Profile and Quality : Click here for more details

Evaluation Process and Reforms : Click here for more details

Student Performance and Learning Outcomes : Click here for more details

 Student Satisfaction Survey : Click here for more details


Admission Enquiry

Admission Enquiry
